If you do not find the part that you are looking for or need more information about a part, please contact us.
NOTE: Due to the constant changing price of materials, we simply cannot keep the website updated with current prices. You will need to call for pricing of parts. Our apologies for the inconvenience.
2080 Mill
2080 HD Mill
2080 Mill, Motor/Liner/Rod Pack
Bearings 18-25300 (Part 506544)
Bearings 18-19700 (Part 506558)
Discharge Cap
Feed End Plate
Grease - NBU8EP Kluber
Grid Plate
Grinding Chamber/Tube
Infrared Sensor Bracket
Infrared Sensor
Motor 12hp 18-25300
Motor 9hp 18-19700
Motor Clamp, 12hp 100frame
Motor Clamp, 9hp 97frame
Rod 1 1/4”
Rod 1”
Rod 3/4”
Rod 1/2”
Rod Pack/2000 lbs.
Rod Pack/2500 lbs.; (1-1/4” add 6;1” add 10; 3/4” add 17)
Rubber Liner 1/2”
Rubber Liner 3/4”
Spring Holder for Tube
Spring Pins
Springs, Bottom 3/4”
Springs, Top 1/2”
Stroke Gage
Wear Liner, steel 1/2”
Wear Pads
Wear Plate 1/4” for Feed Cap 4” opening
Wear Plate 3/4” for Feed Cap 4” opening
Wear Plate 3/4” for Feed Cap 6” opening
1040 Mill
1040 Mill
Motor 1040 18-8300
Bearings 18-8300 (Part 506536)
Discharge End Cap
Feed End Plate
Grid Plate
Grinding Tube
Rod Pack @ $3.00/lb.
Rubber Liner
Springs 1040
Stainless Steel Liner
Steel Wear Liner
624 Mill
624 Mill
Bearings 18-21150 (Part 506561)
Discharge End Cap
Feed End Plate
Grid Plate
Grinding Tube
Motor 624 18-2150
Rubber Liner
Stainless Steel Liner
Steel Wear Liner