Creative Engineering Consultants

Order New VibroKinetic Energy Grinding Mills

New Equipment

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The VibroKinetic Energy (VKE) Mill is designed to fill the need for a fine to ultrafine grinding mill which is both low cost and economical to operate. Optional features include air classification while dry grinding, which greatly improves the efficiency of the mill. Wet grinding with hydro cyclone recycle for accurate sizing, and use of vibratory table for concentration of ore values is also available. The VKE mill is the most efficient fine grinding mill available. Extremely fast and very energy efficient, the VKE mill is very versatile and can be operated either wet or dry. The air injection system provided with the dry mills can be used to elutriate the material during the grind to pull sized fines out of the mill and allow the mill to grind only oversize material.

This is a different and more powerful method of size reduction from a dry solid to a slurry! How would you like to grind your product to 44 microns for less than $.003/# or have a finished product of 100% below 0.3 microns? Contact us to order today.

VibroKinetic Energy (VKE) Mill is available in four sizes.



The Model 624 Laboratory mill is designed for batch or fine grinding production up to 50lb./hr.  Weight, without grinding media is 600lb.  Dimensions are 2'Wx2'Hx2'L.


Model 1040

The Model 1040 Pilot mill is designed for small production requirements.  The mill system will produce up to 250lb./hr. of fine material (Range = 1 to 1000um) from hard to grind 1/2" and under material. Weight, without grinding media is 1,200lb. Dimensions are 4'W x 4'H x 4.5'L.


Model 2080

The Model 2080 mill is the most popular series mill. It is capable of 2,000lb./hr. production of most materials ranging from 1 to 1000um particle size. Weight with out grinding material is 6,500lb. Dimensions of the mill are 92”L x 74”W x 68"H.


Model 30-120

The Model 30-120 mill is our largest production mill. With 1/2" and under feed material, the mill is capable of up to 2 tons/hr. production. Weight, without grinding material is 8,000lb. Single mill dimensions are 8'Wx6.5'Hx11'L.


Model 20-160

VKE 20-160 Mills are now available in multiple Modules for high production requirements.  To replace high energy and low productivity antiquated  ball mills.