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MicroGrinding News

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MicroGrinding News - Volume 3, Issue 1

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Colorox (Pty) Ltd of South Africa has developed a new type of pressurized stirred bead mill which can grind hard materials down to 0.1 microns and below, very fast and efficiently. Colorox found Micro Grinding on the internet and approached us with the idea of using our VKE mill as a pre-grind mill to feed the Colorox mill. This is ideal as the VKE mill is most efficient in grinding down to the 10-20 micron range, about where the Colorox mill needs to start. Over a several month period, discussions were held and the Colorox mill developer and president, Des Erasmus, visited the US and the MicroGrinding plant where a joint marketing agreement was worked out to offer the combined systems to the US and world markets. We are very pleased to have Des with us, and to be able to offer this unique system. Call for details.


You may have been hearing about recent new developments in the field of Nanotechnology. This is generally thought of as the area of particle sizes of less than one micron and on down to the molecular or even atomic level. One micron being one millionth of a meter, and one nanometer being 0.001 micron. Another term is a millimicron, but the entire field of sub-micron work is commonly referred to today as the field of nanotechnology.

The Colorox ultrafine grinding capability is now permitting us to venture into this exciting field. There are many applications where nanogrinding of various materials is very desirable. These include ultrafine metal powders for certain alloys, water insoluble drugs and pharmaceuticals which can be absorbed directly into the body, various pigments, printing inks, and metallic oxide coatings, etc.

Call us if you have a special application in the field of ultrafine grinding. We can't do it all, but in the upper nano range we can do many fine grinding jobs more efficiently and at lower cost.


The VKE mill has always been a stirred bed mill, due to the orbital action of the mill chamber. Some recent improvements, however, have enhanced the stirring action of the mill considerably when using balls or cylinders.

In grinding materials of different density from that of the grinding media, there is a tendancy for heavier material to sink through the medial or lighter material to ride over the top of the heavier media during the grind. Either condition is not good for the most efficient grinding action.

With this new development, multiple blades stir the material and media and keep the material more evenly dispersed between the media so as to provide the most effective and efficient grinding action possible.


MicroGrinding Systems also has affiliation with two other leaders in the field of grinding technology.

Rocklabs Ltd. of Auckland, New Zealand is a world leader in the manufacture of high quality laboratory fine grinding equipment, as well as other lab equipment for the minerals and processing industries. Rocklabs laboratory crushing, pulverizing and other lab equipment is known the world over. Visit their web site at or email Ian Devereux at

Andela Tool & Machine, Inc. of Richfield Springs, New York is the leader in the rapidly growing field of glass recycling. The key to glass recycling is a fast and efficient means of crushing and cleaning the glass. The Andela line of glass crushing, cleaning and pulverizing equipment is unique and provides the most efficient and inexpensive means of turning large volumes of glass into sand and gravel with no sharp edges. Andela has a web site at or e-mail Cynthia Andela at


The growth and utility of the internet has grown dramatically over the past few years. As more and more people and companies get "on the net" the usefulness grows accordingly. There is not much now you cannot find on the net through proper use of the "search engines", and one of the greatest benefits is the convenience, economy and informality of Email. A good part of each day is spent answering Email inquiries and corresponding with customers all over the world. The old way of writing and typing letters and sending them by fax or mail takes much longer and cost much more.

We are very pleased with the scope and quality of leads generated from the internet, and are in the process of updating our web page to include the Colorox ultrafine grinding system. We may add links to our page for our other affiliates such as the ones described in the preceding article, who also have web sites. The internet is a very convenient way to do business and it is changing the way business is done in the world.

We have Email addresses at: and We check Email regularly, so feel free to send us a note. 


Micro Grinding Services has always done some toll, or contract grinding. This was as much to demonstrate the mills, and gain operating hours on the mill equipment as it was to earn a profit.

This service will continue in the future in an even more expanded mode, incorporating the Colorox ultra fine grinding capabilities to allow contract grinding capabilities down to as low as 0.1 microns.

We recognize that many companies have new products and projects which require special grinding in order to prove or test market the product. We can help in this regard by providing an intermediate grinding service until the customer is ready to set up a permanent grinding operation at their own plant. Then, too, there are situations where firms simply do not have the capability to grind down to the sub-micron range desired for best product performance or marketability. This is where the combination of Micro Grind - Colorox system test and/or contract grinding capability will be useful

Call or fax us regarding your toll grinding needs and we will do our best to help solve your grinding problem.


A current new test grind project involves grinding scrap Teflon material which has been put through a special treatment to the point where it can be ground into a fine powder. The powder retains all of the desirable properties of Teflon, and the fine powder finds many applications which are not possible using the sheet or solid PTFE material.

The methods of grinding presently used can produce particle sizes of only about 10 microns but we will be test grinding this material in the Colorox mill to bring it down to sub-micron particle size. TFE material of this particle size will find users beyond those applications where a more coarse powder can be used. An example is developing a penetrating lubricant for large steel wound cable which will penetrate to the core of the cable and carry the teflon powder with it. This will lubricate the interior wires in the cable bundle and prevent heat friction and wear.

MicroGrinding System is published every now and then by the staff of MicroGrinding Systems for the enlightenment, amusement, and amazement of that rare group of rugged individuals who are involved with the special science of beating rocks and other hard stuff into little bitty pieces. Call or fax us at (501)-374-8402 for questions regarding your special applications, or news of interest to the industry. MicroGrinding Systems, Inc., 1823 East 17th Street, Little Rock, AR 72202 USA

ArchivePatrick Marston